Put your customers first: Strategies for building winning digital campaigns

Corporate Digital Accelerator

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Attention, BD Marketers!

Are you looking for the tools and resources to launch effective digital campaigns and stay ahead of the competition? With digital marketing growing in complexity, you need the right tools to navigate it. That's why we've created this site – a comprehensive resource and information hub that provides you with everything you need to build, launch, and measure successful campaigns.

We've tailored the content and features to align with the BD Way of Marketing, creating one centralized place to find all the necessary resources. So don't get left behind - unlock your full potential with our powerful digital marketing solutions. Join us today and take control of your digital campaigns.

The BD Way of Marketing cascade

Make sure you to complete the BD Way of Marketing training to understand every step of the BD Way of Marketing cascade. It includes articulating our ambition, deciding where to play, planning for how we'll win, designing the tactics we'll use, and establishing management systems to govern the process.

It is important that you are clear about your ambition and where to play before diving into tactics and management systems, where digital.bd.com focuses on.

Table of Contents

  1. Follow the BDWoM principles to develop a customer-centric marketing strategy, segmentation and customer journey
  2. Implement commercial choreography to run a successful campaign
  3. Build campaign plans by setting strategic goals and using planning tools
  4. Set-up campaigns correctly by developing content and utilizing channels and marketing platforms for campaign enablement
  5. Optimize your campaigns with test and learn to improve your campaign performance
  6. Use lead management and scoring to improve the business impact of your campaigns
  7. Follow the global measurement framework to measure impact and engagement across the customer journey
  1. Learn about digital roles and how to collaborate in an agile team
  2. Use the How-to guide for agile marketing
  3. Set up an omnichannel orchestration team
  1. Use Accessibility guidelines for web design. 
  2. Follow BD Privacy guidelines.
  3. Use SEO to drive traffic to your site
  4. Follow Web Production and Publishing standards for any BD.com page layout
We want to hear from you.
We want to hear from you.

What is missing from this site? Are there digital marketing or omnichannel-related topics that we should dive into more? Do you have feedback on the existing content? Do you have a great digital or omnichannel campaign you would like to showcase here?

Let's hear from you! Please send your feedback to  Aparna.Meyerson@bd.com.